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Pick up your order from the warehouse closest to you or directly from the FANTINI COSMI factory.

Export of Products

Export of FANTINI COSMI products to the countries of the Customs Union with a 0% VAT, as well as to other countries worldwide.

All FANTINI COSMI products

The group "New Technologies" offers for review the products of the plant FANTINI COSMI: level regulators, pressure switches, pressostats, flow switches, industrial thermostats, room thermostats, thermostat kits, chronothermostats, weekly chronothermostats, controls, accessories
  • Controls FANTINI COSMI
    CR5, D40, EC18, etc.
  • Weekly chronothermostats  FANTINI COSMI
    Weekly chronothermostats
    IntelliComfort-CH140GSM, etc.
  • Pressostats FANTINI COSMI
    B13BN, B13CN, B12FN, etc.
  • Accessories FANTINI COSMI
    G25, G28, G30, G31, etc.
  • Chronothermostats FANTINI COSMI
    CH150RF, CH151RF, CH152RF, etc.
  • Thermostat kits FANTINI COSMI
    Thermostat kits
    CH130RR, CH131RR, etc.
  • Room thermostats FANTINI COSMI
    Room thermostats
    CH110, CH111, CH112, etc.
  • Industrial thermostats FANTINI COSMI
    Industrial thermostats
    C10A2, C10B2, C10C2, etc.
  • Flow relay FANTINI COSMI
    Flow relay
    FF81P, FF91P, FF82, etc.
  • Pressure switch FANTINI COSMI
    Pressure switch
    B71, B70A, B12MN, etc.
  • Level controls FANTINI COSMI
    Level controls
    EA18, EA19, EA20, etc.


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